UIUC Vision at CVPR 2024
The vision group had 41 papers including 7 oral and highlight papers at CVPR 2024. For more details including a list of papers click here.
Welcome to the Vision Group's website.
The vision group had 41 papers including 7 oral and highlight papers at CVPR 2024. For more details including a list of papers click here.
Time and Place: Tuesdays 12:30pm to 2pm, SC 2405.
Subscribe to the vision mailing list for announcements. Note: Please also email one of the mailing list admins and briefly describe your affiliation and reason to subscribe! Only requests from the illinois.edu domain will be approved.
Click HERE to update the spreadsheet with your presented paper(s).
Time and Place: Monday 3pm to 4pm, via Zoom (link will be sent through vision mailing list).
Amin Sadeghi |
Alex Sorokin |
Ali Farhadi |
Deva Ramanan (currently Asst. Prof. at UC Irvine) |
Duan Tran |
Erik Learned-Miller (currently Asst Prof. at UM Amherst) |
Frank Cho |
Gang Wang (currently Asst. Prof at NTU, Singapore) |
Ian Endres (Currently at Here Technologies) |
Jaety Edwards |
John Haddon |
Kevin Karsch |
Kobus Barnard (currntly Assc. Prof. at U. Arizona) |
Nazli Ikizler (currently Asst. Prof. at Hacettepe University) |
Nicolas Loeff (currently Quantitative Researcher, RGM Advisors, LLC) |
Leslie Ikemoto (Animate-me) |
Okan Arikan (currently Asst. Prof. at U.T. Austin; Animate-me) |
Pina Duygulu (currently at Bilkent University) |
Ruiqi Guo |
Ryan White (currently at A9.com) |
Saurabh Singh (currently at Google Inc.) |
Sergey Ioffe (Google) |
Stephen Chenney (left for UW Madison) |
Tamara Berg (currently Asst. Prof. at UNC Chapel Hill) |
Varsha Hedau |
Mariya Vasileva |
Aditya Deshpande |
Zhizhong Li |
Tanmay Gupta |
Jason Rock |
Chuhang Zou |
Jiajun Lu |
Liwei Wang |
Bryan Plummer |
Arun Mallya |
Joseph Degol |
Kevin Shih |
P. Daphne Tsatsouli |
Qieyun Dai |
Kevin Karsch |
Amin Sadeghi |
Yang Wang (Post Doc.) |
Zicheng Liao |
Joel Quintana (intern) |
Sang Hyun Park (intern) |
Robert Rand (intern) |